This blog includes projects created during time spent in my elementary music course.
Research Presentation: Integrating Social Studies & Music
This presentation showcases different resources I would potentially use in an integrated lesson with social studies and music.
Song Resource Collection
In this assignment, I was tasked with selecting a song for each subject (science, math, multicultural/social studies, language arts, game/fun), researching the songs, and selecting a grade level for each. I then had to list song-related activities/lessons for the students to participate in.
Piggyback Song
A piggyback song is taking a popular song and changing the words to fit the content.
Piggyback songs can activate the brain into paying attention, energizing or relaxing the students, learning a new topic, or developing good classroom citizenship. By doing this, a piggyback song can fulfill one or more of the roles of integrating music into the classroom. These roles include affective, subservient, co-equal/cognitive, and social interaction.
Affective: This style is integrated to create a mood or to enhance creativity. This music style helps students navigate emotions as well as identify and describe feelings.
Subservient: This style is used in the service of other subjects. This means that the song is used to help children learn a concept (i.e. "Days of the Week," "5 Little Monkeys,").
Co-equal/Cognitive: This style allows students to tap into their critical thinking skills and thought processes as they explore how music and one or more subject areas connect and enhance one another.
Social Interaction: This style is used to support and build community. This can consist of the classroom community as well as the school, parents, and the local neighborhood.